Janet Daby MP recently caused a stir with her comments that registrars should have the right to refuse to conduct same-sex marriages if such ceremonies conflict with their religious beliefs.…
Attacks on churches by Islamists in Europe are now commonplace. In 2018 there were 877 acts that damaged church property in France. There are no official statistics for 2019 church…
Men, dressed as women, read stories to children in a Sacramento public library, prompting a debate among American conservatives. This debate was interesting as it did not concern the presidential…
MIDDLE eastern Islamic scholars are behind mass atrocities committed by Muslims against other Muslims in Northern Nigeria. The claim is made by the Tony Blair Institute (TBI) analyst Bulama Bukarti,…
I cannot help thinking that the “second wave” of this virus is a bit like the Victorian legend of “Spring Heeled Jack”: a useful fiction intended to keep the children…
When a German professor gave a lecture in Regensburg, he had no idea that his speech would shake the world. Riots would break out; Christian churches would be attacked. That…
Last year I was fortunate to attend the World Congress of Families, an annual conference for conservative and traditional thinkers to share ideas and rebuild society from the dire straits in…
The leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, regularly sends out various versions of the following tweets on his English language account: “Some argue that the Zionist regime is a reality that…
This month we celebrate 100 years since the birth of one of the giants of the 20th century: Karol Józef Wojtyła, whom history will remember as Saint John Paul II, the…