Espionage and counterespionage have been essential tools of statecraft for centuries and intelligence agencies have been battling one another for decades. But what recent espionage cases suggest is that the…
Aleksandar Nacev
Aleksandar Nacev
Aleksandar is the Dean of the Faculty of Detectives and Criminalistics at the European University in Skopje. He is also a former diplomat with the Macedonian Mission to NATO, serving at NATO's HQ in Brussels.
While war has long been viewed as competition between adversaries, peace has been defined by absence of such conflict. But what happens when the line between war and peace is…
As NATO has now moved past its 70th anniversary and reached 30 member states, it now makes perfect sense to initiate work on a new Strategic Concept. The current Strategic…
New technologies always amplify the power of information and, with it, the ability to confuse the public about the authenticity of the information they receive. One of the most insidious…
By participating in free and fair elections, citizens cast their votes expecting the officials they elect to represent their interests in the best possible way. The voters’ choice grants legitimacy…
On 27 March 2020, almost thirty years after Macedonia declared independence in 1991, NATO welcomed its 30th member into the transatlantic family. The reason for this accession is the fact…